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Once it all began with the simple need of organizing files. Why we are in 2014, but still have no convenient and easy to use tree editor at least? There are lots of text editors and new ones keep appearing nevertheless. Table editors are in a less quantity but struggle in quality only when coping with thousands of items.

Though, there are not too much general types of information visualization: String, List, Table, Graph, Diagram, Map, 3d, Network. It’s clear, there are much more subtypes, but the most popular types amount to decade. By nature these types can be classified by number of characteristics visualized at once.

One-dimension: list, timeline,  etc
2d: table, map, graph, histogram, etc
3d: irregular sophisticated scientific visualizations
Multidimensional: trees, graphs, networks

Visualizations are created already in plenty and are kept going. There exist about three 3 hundred tree vis. modifications: treevis.net. Editors on the other hand are developed only for the most popular ones and none of them for trees or multidimensional vis. Meantime, first popular tree vis had been created in the days of console even before classic graphical interface appeared.

XtreeJeffery C. Johnson, Xtree developer, created first working visualization in the late 1985. Files manager showed the hierarchy of folders tree. Window’s file manager, basically has the same functionality now: to Create, Rename, Move, Remove

Here is another example – Chrome bookmarks manager: Chrome-bookmarkThe same again, but starting from 2000 nodes it slows down the browsing 🙁

For the sake of web-applications there are fairly of widgets created. Almost every strong UI library comprises tree widgets Webix, Kendo-UI , and there is something more than just expand/collapse, like TreeGrid, embedded actions inside the table in ExtJS. But even basic data editing functionality should have sorting and filtering.

Sure, it would be perfect to have everything from this list:

Link associate items with one another
Convert change items type of visualization
Sort reorder set
Filter decrease subset
Zoom increase/decrease item’s size
Group Sort by Tag
History Link with previous version
Sync Link with other device
Copy Create + Link
Merge Link two similar
Send Copy & Link with person
Rate Link with quantifier
Share Link with Person
Tag Link with keyword

Basic operations are painted in red.

Why is there still no tool for multidimensional data editing? Indeed, practically all information can be presented as linked nodes.

Here is the list of basic item types I use:

Object Origin by nature
Text Sequence of signs
Image Table of bits
Video Sequence of images
Audio Sequence of sounds
Date Link
Location Link
Icon Image
File Image, Text
Table Layout
Tree Layout
Graph Layout
Web page Layout
Bookmark Link, Text
Tag Text
Comment Text
Playlist Layout
Annotation Text
Reminder Date
Miniature Image
Map Image
Address Text
Email Anything
Post Anything
Tweet Anything
Photo Image
Drawing Image
Goods Link
Message Text
Note Text
Event Text, Date
Task Text, Date
Recommendation Text, Link
Contact Text, Photo
Graphs Image
Diagram Image
Chart Image
Commit Text, Person
Document Layout
Book Layout

And all of them are tightly coupled with each other. Existing services enables you to cope with only several of them giving you only couple of functions from the list above. Classic startups often look like minimalistic: “We offer new solution for the function X to operate with data Y” whether it is files synchronization, photo sharing or contacts manager. But some data consists of assemblies of connections by nature, like: tag cloud, map of traffic, website or project plan.

Perhaps, structuring of information is not an easy task and people try to simplify this by writing everything down to one text document, emphasizing parts with paragraph, color or bold font. But it was a luxury before MS Word.

It should be a tool for editing connections as intuitively and easy as we do this with thoughts in our mind.

This is entire the separate class of applications, giving the ability to visualize nodes connections.MindManagerBut almost all of them offer you only basic functionality for creating visualization. Create – Look – Forget. Nice picture to step aside and have a look on big picture, but nothing more. Only some of them, like “Mindmeister” provides something more. It has collaborative map creation. Of course there are professional tools, designed for specific data types and relations, like: phylogenetic_tree_visualization_software. But nothing else.

What about general purpose editor for structured data? As for the text, tables. Images, animations, event vector drawings have its editors and format standards?  already. Good step forward was made recently by a company developing graph database – Neo4j. Ok, now we are able to store relations!

But we have two futher problems more. Mind managers are too static and we can’t see information behind visible nodes. Another problem is that a tree is only the particular case of a graph. Our brain consist of a heavily interconnected neuron network. That said every link has their own weight.?  Recollections are stored in our memory as patterns, consisting of associations. Thinking is the journey through them.

While “Evernote” is successfully claiming itself as a tool for memory extension, it only enables you to note and store information.

What about application which will literally allow you to extend memory naturally associating your thoughts with your notes, contacts, files, etc?

See also

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DaVisTe software company history tracks back to 2007