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  • Client


  • Duration

    ~ 1 month

  • Categories
    web-app open source
  • Technologies

    bash, X11 utils, node.js

Simple, yet extremely time saving app. Works on any OS with X11 and NodeJS.

All windows manipulation shortcuts are activated with “windows / super” modifier key.
As you can see on the image above there are two shortcut groups for each hand.

Left hand – application switching

User can assign any app for any key. But I’ve utilized a different from the common mnemonic based pattern. Usually a key for the app is chosen based on the first / notable letter in the app’s name.

Here is a compact way to utilize all available keys / letters, yet easy to remember. Applications are split in 5 groups by what they do. One group per finger. And you can have 3 apps per group.

My setup:

  • pinky – messaging apps: Skype, Telegram and Slack
  • ring finger – utilities: Calculator, Terminal and Dictionary
  • middle finger – text editors: Notion (note taking), VIM (IDE), Mail app
  • index finger – heavily used apps in my daily workflow: Browser, File manager, and browser for development (very nice to have it separately)
  • index finger (right column) – least used apps – most awkward to press. I haven’t assigned top one, as with the thumb on Win key – I have to stretch hand too far.

Right hand – move (snap) and resizes windows

Mnemonic approach is used, since there are not many actions.

  • “+” and “-” keys are used for horizontal resizing by step equal to typical screen resolutions: 768, 1024, 1280, 1600, 1920, 2500, 2560, 3440.
  • “Shift” changes direction of manipulation to vertical. But with common displays only “maximize” to all available vertical height makes sense to me.
  • Snapping windows to edges of screen is assigned to angle brackets.
  • Enter key – maximizes window in all directions, F11 equivalent
  • Escape – closes current window. Note the location of escape key – it is swapped places with CapsLock

See also

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